D-P-Q is proposing artworks within two sites across both communities. In Fairfields they have been drawn to Apollo Green, the triangle of green space near the Primary School on Apollo Avenue. Further south in Whitehouse the designers were attracted to the landscape around balancing pond on Barrosa Way at the junction with Oakhill Lane near Watling Academy. Discussions are underway with both landowners agreeing what proposals would be allowable on the two sites.
The designers are developing proposals for each site that engage the senses and in doing so help connect people with the landscape around them. The early community engagement has fed into these ideas.
At Apollo Green D-P-Q was struck by the southerly views over the allotments and into the countryside beyond, as well as the contrast between the mature ash tree and young fruit trees within the grassland. Here they are proposing a series of mirrored artworks that frame, mirror and exaggerate the natural setting, highlighting views for people to enjoy. Depending on what is possible within the budget, they have proposed a mirrored tree seat, a periscope-like viewing device and mirrored spheres nestled in the landscape that could be used as informal play.
The pond in Whitehouse is a place of tranquillity, and the landscape around it includes ancient hedgerows and the North Bucks Way. Here the designers are planning to create listening devices so that people can explore the sounds of the landscape, heightening curiosity and interest in the nature all around. These large metal sound cones will be pointed in different directions to amplify a range of sounds.
Modelmaking has been a key tool for the designers to explore how the artworks may look. The images below capture the concepts as they are starting to take shape. The next step is for D-P-Q to develop these into detailed drawings that show the pieces positioned on the two sites for approval by landowners and City Council. The Council’s team are continuing to support the project and they are currently commissioning ecology surveys of the two sites to ensure the artworks have only a positive effect on their environment.
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to send them to info@d-p-q.uk