
Learn about the past, get involved in the present and contribute to the future
Aerial view of Fairfields

Through focused articles and creative projects, we invite you learn about the past, get involved in the present and contribute to the future public art for Fairfields and Whitehouse.

From the very early days of the city’s development, Milton Keynes placed public art at the heart of its design and communities. This website is specifically for Fairfields and Whitehouse, a place to find out what is going on, who is involved and become a record of the public art process for this new community.

Public art plan

A Public Art Plan was written by DPQ, a creative practice of artists and designers. The plan outlines the potential opportunities and public art projects that explore the connection of Fairfields and Whitehouse with the urban city and its rural neighbours.

Get involved

Over the next few years, there will be a series of creative projects taking place in Fairfields and Whitehouse which will be shared through this website. There will be opportunities to get involved, contribute and engage with artists in the creative process whilst exploring your area.

To be kept up to date, please fill in the form in the footer of the page.

Partners and Funding

This website and the series of public art projects are being delivered through a partnership between Milton Keynes Council, Whitehouse Community Council, Fairfields Parish Council, The Parks Trust and Whitehouse Primary School. It is funded through contributions made by the housebuilders and developers.

The website has been developed by Unit 1.

Aerial view showing allotments
Aerial view showing Fairfields allotments

The Parks Trust

The Parks Trust is an independent charity that looks after over 6,000 acres of parkland and green spaces in Milton Keynes.

In Whitehouse, The Parks Trust is responsible for the new parks and play areas, including Whitehouse Park, All Hallows Place and surrounding parkland. Their website has many activities for adults and children, some of which we’ve reproduced on this website, and they’ll be contributing website content to help residents enjoy and appreciate the local parks and parklands.

Their website is a fantastic resource for finding walks, events and information about parkland, woods and wildlife in the areas surrounding Fairfields and Whitehouse.

Community Action: MK

Community Action: MK is a charity set up to help other charities and voluntary groups get the help and support they need to run well and provide their activities or services for our local communities.

They provide information and advice about how to run  groups safely and legally, connecting them with other groups across the city, they send out newsletters, run events and training, they can help groups search for funding and they can help find volunteers.

You will come across these organisations in your day to day lives – The Parks Trust, Scouts & Brownies, Mum and Baby Groups, Homeless support organisations and so many more!  In fact at last count, there were over a thousand different voluntary and charitable groups in MK! Amazing.

They also work in some estates in MK and work with those communities to help them get the support they need as well as get involved in shaping their neighbourhoods. They can help residents find volunteering roles, lead activities to enhance or improve their area as well as ensuring their neighbourhood is becoming the place they want to live.

See website for contacts, newsletter sign up and more information.