
Useful links and contacts
Aerial view showing football pitch

Fairfields Parish Council

Get in touch

If you want to drop us a message about something you’ve noticed on Fairfields or have a suggestion, please get in touch – we’re here to work on behalf of the residents of Fairfields.

Please email with any comments/concerns.

Alternatively, come along to the Parish Meetings which are usually the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm at Fairfields school – it’s open to everyone to attend, with time set aside for the public to speak.

For information, we’ve retired the form on this page as messages were going missing or unanswered.

Whitehouse Community Council

Get in touch

If you want to drop us a message about something you’ve noticed in Whitehouse or have a suggestion, please get in touch.  We are here to work on behalf of the residents of Whitehouse.

Please email with any comments/concerns.

Alternatively, come along to the monthly local Community Council Meetings, which are usually held on the third Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm.  We typically meet at Whitehouse School,  but during the current COVID-19 period, our meetings are held remotely and you can obtain the meeting info from our Clerk (email address mentioned above).  The local Community Council meetings are open to everyone to attend, with time set aside for the public to speak, so please come and join in our discussions or use this platform to raise your issues and concerns regarding Whitehouse.

Culture Team at Milton Keynes Council

Get in touch

For any queries about the website or public art projects in the Fairfields and Whitehouse areas, please email the Culture Team.