On a sunny Saturday in September, the team at Dallas-Pierce-Quintero had the pleasure of attending the Whitehouse Summer Family Fun Day, held at Lady Margery’s Gorse. The aim for the day was to engage with the community, share the team’s vision for the public art commission, and most importantly, listen to your valuable feedback.
They spoke with approximately 60 attendees, and the response was overwhelmingly positive. Gathering around a large map and scale models, they introduced the project and the initial ideas. They asked for feedback, with members of the community expressing interest in using the pieces for activities such as reading, get together’s and yoga. The suggestion for the furniture commission to form a walking trail was supported, likened to local art trails such as the Gyosei Art Trail and ROCLA art trail in Redhouse.
In line with the DPQ commitment to foster a stronger connection between the community and nature, they offered free seed sewing for the little ones. With the helping hand of Josan from Community Action: MK, the community collectively planted over 50 flower and vegetable seeds.
Of course, the team didn’t just stick to business; they joined in on the festivities too! A great day was had, enjoying the food, performances, and even partaking in a Bollywood dance class. Thank you, Whitehouse, for the lovely conversations and positive support. Stay tuned for more updates on the public art commission.