Arts Gateway has been helping to make things artistic and creative happen for over 35 years. They have self-help networks, mentoring for artists, workshop and volunteering opportunities, together with performances, exhibitions and arts & craft markets for anyone passing by. They run Arts Central (artists studios at Kiln Farm) and MK Lit Fest.
Arts Gateway MK
Arts Gateway MK is an arts organisation that is dedicated to bringing out the creativity in everybody in Milton Keynes, especially on the West side.
Arts Central
Arts Central is an arts venue at Kiln Farm that includes artists’ studios and opens to the public for events and activities. The building is home to a mix of painters, crafters, fashion designers, filmmakers, photographers, theatre and circus people, digital artists and makers who upcycle.
Arts Central will soon be offering a year-round programme of art exhibitions, screenings, dance and drama workshops, instruction in arty-crafty skills and space for meetings, rehearsals and performances. There will also be regular social events for anyone with an interest in the arts, crafts, design and creative worlds.
See their website for details, or follow them on Instagram and Facebook for updates.

Community Arts Resource Centre
Arts Central is also home to Community Arts Resource Centre (CARC), an Aladdin’s Cave of kit and costumes, staging and marquees, sound and lighting for hire by anyone in the community who wants to put on a party, local fete, small gig, performance or concert, dog show (you provide the dogs), exhibition, or just find a fancy costume. The choice is hilarious, reasonable to hire and can easily turn an idea into an event.
See CARC’s Facebook page for videos and details.

MK Lit Fest
MK Lit Fest is an annual event that celebrates all things literary, bookish or wordy. MK Lit Fest has also published two “MinK” anthologies celebrating new flash fiction and poetry written locally, and throughout the Covid pandemic has been delivering a regular series of online events.
You can see some on their website and sign up for their newsletter, and follow them on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.